The value of my work comes from combining years of working with educators, organizations and community leaders from the perspective of a spiritual experience.
Life & Career Top 10
Lived a snowy childhood till 11 in Milwaukee, WI
Had my first significant AHA! Moment in high school, where I began my spiritual journey and plant-based lifestyle. Elementary Education Degree, University of Toledo, OH
Career majority in Atlanta GA. teacher, principal of two schools, Cobb Co. Master of Education, GA State University, Specialist in Education, West Georgia College—mostly using my left brain. Loved producing and hosting Cable TV show “School Talk” for a dozen years.
Finally found a football team to cheer for: University of Alabama, with my Educational Doctorate. Honored to become the Nationally Distinguished Principal for GA!
Next stop: Left my A-type lifestyle for five glorious years in the Cayman Islands. Became a Dive master, but it wasn’t all play: Consulted for Cayman Minister of Education, worked with all schools.
Back to Georgia in 2002, as the assistant to Fulton county superintendent and later with the Georgia Leadership Institute, getting a “big picture view” of state and local systems. Followed with more meaningful work with the KIPP Foundation.
Charlotte, NC: I consulted with the Charlotte Schools Leadership Academy. I became a Source Yoga instructor, and the Zen returned.
Optimal Wisdom Learning (OWL) flew in and my AHA! Moments began. I wrote two books, Wisdom from the Inner Teacher: turning Aha! Moments into OWL Moment and Teach with Spirit: The Teacher’s Inward Journey Guide and I was an author, speaker and trainer.
Moved to sunny Southern California and somehow feel like I’m finally “home.”
Not done yet! Excited about where will OWL take me; What AHA!s, insights and truths will be next?
For More…
“Your work is to discover YOUR work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.”